Every request to the API must be authenticated, there's 3 different schemes of authentication that can be used.
Authentication schemes
All the authentication schemes works the same way and are very easy to use.
Store's API key
This is the most common way to authenticate your requests. It only requires the addition of a JSON tag that includes your API key at the beginning of the request.
Example of using the store's API key
Provide the tag "authentication.apiKey".
'authentication' : {
'apiKey' : '[YOUR-KEY-GOES-HERE]'
Email address and password
This is an alternative way to authenticate your requests if you don't want to give away your API key. It only requires the addition of a JSON tag that includes the email and password of the user at the beginning of the request.
Example of using a user's email and password
Provide the tag "authentication.email" and "authentication.password".
'authentication' : {
'email' : '[YOUR-EMAIL-GOES-HERE]',
'password' : '[YOUR-PASSWORD-GOES-HERE]'
App's API key
This is the only way to authenticate your requests from an App. It only requires the addition of a JSON tag that includes your API key at the beginning of the request.
You have an API key for your App that allows you to interact with any store that has your App. If a store doesn't have your App, you will get an access denied.
Example of using the App's API key
Provide the tag "authentication.appApiKey".
'authentication' : {
'appApiKey' : '[YOUR-APP-KEY-GOES-HERE]'