Documentation / API / Operations on Taxes

GET and COUNT operations available on taxes.

Taxes Operations



POST https://your-secured-store-url:443/api/v1/taxes/get


Filter Type
id Array of GUID
name Array of String (max 255 chars)
numbers Array of String (max 255 chars)
rate_min Decimal (max 3 digits and 3 decimals)
rate_max Decimal (max 3 digits and 3 decimals)
appliesto Array of String (Predefined values)
appliestocountryid Array of GUID (Countries)
createdon_min DateTime
createdon_max DateTime


Retrieve all the items (max 1000)

        'authentication' : {
            'apiKey' : 'jjns7519v1v3ns6xU162'

Retrieve specific items by ID

        'authentication' : {
            'apiKey' : 'jjns7519v1v3ns6xU162'
        'filters' : {
            'id' : ['e3ebc3e9-9315-420e-a5e6-b0c290771b33','e66f27c0-d73f-42d4-a527-3d159433e537']

Most complete request (just to give you the format of each parameter)

        'authentication' : {
            'apiKey' : 'jjns7519v1v3ns6xU162'
	    'filters' : {
		    'id' : ['e3ebc3e9-9315-420e-a5e6-b0c290771b33','e66f27c0-d73f-42d4-a527-3d159433e537'],
		    'name' : ['TPS','TPS / TVQ'],
		    'numbers' : ['184567564545','12345'],
		    'rate_min' : '5.000',
		    'rate_max' : '19.999',
		    'appliesto' : ['EVERYWHERE','COUNTRY','STATE'],
		    'appliestocountryid' : ['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000','75b36fa9-4eb5-4a2f-8bd2-2baafd81cfe9'],
		    'createdon_min' : '2015-01-01',
		    'createdon_max' : '2042-01-01'
        'pagination' : {
            'pageNumber' : '1',
            'pageSize' : '1000'


If no error occured, you will receive a response like this one (object type: Tax). Please refer to error messages to learn more about the possible error responses.

      "id": "e3ebc3e9-9315-420e-a5e6-b0c290771b33",
      "name": "TPS",
      "numbers": "184567564545",
      "rate": "5.000",
      "appliesto": "COUNTRY",
      "appliestocountryid": "75b36fa9-4eb5-4a2f-8bd2-2baafd81cfe9",
      "appliestocountrycode": "CA",
      "appliestocountryname": "Canada",
      "appliestolist": [
      "author": "Mr Example",
      "createdon": "2015-12-19 14:28:44"
      "id": "e66f27c0-d73f-42d4-a527-3d159433e537",
      "name": "TPS / TVQ",
      "numbers": "12345",
      "rate": "14.975",
      "appliesto": "STATE",
      "appliestocountryid": "75b36fa9-4eb5-4a2f-8bd2-2baafd81cfe9",
      "appliestocountrycode": "CA",
      "appliestocountryname": "Canada",
      "appliestolist": [
      "author": "Mr Example",
      "createdon": "2015-12-19 14:32:23"



POST https://your-secured-store-url:443/api/v1/taxes/count


Filter Type
id Array of GUID
name Array of String (max 255 chars)
numbers Array of String (max 255 chars)
rate_min Decimal (max 3 digits and 3 decimals)
rate_max Decimal (max 3 digits and 3 decimals)
appliesto Array of String (Predefined values)
appliestocountryid Array of GUID (Countries)
createdon_min DateTime
createdon_max DateTime


Count the items

        'authentication' : {
            'apiKey' : 'jjns7519v1v3ns6xU162'

Count specific items by country

        'authentication' : {
            'apiKey' : 'jjns7519v1v3ns6xU162'
        'filters' : {
            'appliestocountryid' : ['75b36fa9-4eb5-4a2f-8bd2-2baafd81cfe9']

Most complete request (just to give you the format of each parameter)

        'authentication' : {
            'apiKey' : 'jjns7519v1v3ns6xU162'
        'filters' : {
		    'id' : ['e3ebc3e9-9315-420e-a5e6-b0c290771b33','e66f27c0-d73f-42d4-a527-3d159433e537'],
		    'name' : ['TPS','TPS / TVQ'],
		    'numbers' : ['184567564545','12345'],
		    'rate_min' : '5.000',
		    'rate_max' : '19.999',
		    'appliesto' : ['EVERYWHERE','COUNTRY','STATE'],
		    'appliestocountryid' : ['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000','75b36fa9-4eb5-4a2f-8bd2-2baafd81cfe9'],
		    'createdon_min' : '2015-01-01',
		    'createdon_max' : '2042-01-01'


If no error occured, you will receive a response like this one. Please refer to error messages to learn more about the possible error responses.

   "count": "5"